We are delighted you have stopped in to visit our online home. From the pages of our site, you will discover much about who we are and what we do as followers of Jesus Christ, the living Son of God. Each of the member churches is identified with the Southern Baptist Convention. We cooperate together for the benefit of each congregation and the Kingdom of God. As you explore our Mission Statement, you will catch a glimpse of what we are about. In the other pages you will discover much of what we are involved in through our ministry teams.
Go Tell Crusade
A second meeting is being held Wednesday, May 22nd, at Wholly Grounds to continue to prayer for and consider an area-wide crusade called GO ...
All team leaders, pastors and their executive board members are encouraged to attend our Association Council and Executive Board meetings of 2024.
Pastors and Executive Board Members
Bro. Johnny Morgan, Moderator
Bro. John Pemberton, Vice Moderator
KaRetha Kelley, Clerk
Elena Lavigne, Treasurer
Bro. Larry Hubbard, Historian
Steve Bond, CMJC Director
Josh Spinks, Church Strengthening
Bill Pianki, Credentials
Henry Shelton, Finance
Paul Taylor, Personnel
Linda Burleigh, Scholarship
Howard Turner, Crisis Team
Theresa Broussard, Women's Ministry
Robbie Isom, Children's Ministry
Mike Fielding, Youth Ministry
Dr. Larry Hubbard leads our prayer meeting. Prayer moves mountains in our lives and in the church. This is a highlight of my week. Come and join us.
We do together what we cannot do alone!
Eastern Louisiana Baptist Association
9126 Comar Dr, Walker, Louisiana 70785, United States