In order to serve God, the Eastern Louisiana Baptist Association will involve and assist churches in a cooperative fellowship to do missions, evangelism, leadership, and ministry support to build the Kingdom of God.
The Eastern Louisiana Baptist Association has more than 40 member churches engaged in reaching their neighbors and the nations with the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Our churches come in all sizes and there is sure to be one near you. Find out more about our local Southern Baptist Churches by going to the page "Our Churches."
“Baptist churches, associations, and general bodies have adopted confessions of faith as a witness to the world, and as instruments of doctrinal accountability. We are not embarrassed to state before the world that these are doctrines we hold precious and as essential to the Baptist tradition of faith and practice.””
— from the introduction to the Baptist Faith & Message 2000
To read the full text of the Baptist Faith & Message 2000
District Missionary / Director of Missions
Rev. Baxter Pond 1952 - 1954
Rev. John M. Causey 1955 - 1960
Rev. Maurice E. Flowers, Jr. 1961 - 1965
Rev. H. T. Sullivan 1966 - 1973
Rev. John L. Gilbert 1974 – 1979
Dr. A. Lawrence Clegg 1980 – 1997
Dr. Reggie Ogea – 1999 - 2002
Associational Missions Coordinator
Rev. David E. Brown 2004 - 2017
Rev. Freddie Arnold (acting) 2017 - 2018
Dr. Richard Blue 2018 - present
Associate DOM
Rev. H.J. Rushing 1978 – 1980
Rev. Jimmy Crowe 1996 – 2001
Associate AMC
Rev. Freddie Arnold 2009 - 2020
Interim DOM
Dr. A. Lawrence Clegg 1998
Rev. Larry Badon 2003
Interim AMC
Rev. Freddie Arnold 2017-2018
District 11 Missions Director of the Louisiana Baptist Convention started in 1952. It included the following associations : Amite River, Eastern Louisiana, St. Tammany, Tangipahoa, and Washington.
It seems they met annually, elected officers from the churches, approved a budget, and selected projects to work on. District 11 was funded by the Louisiana Baptist Convention, the Cooperative Program, and the churches from the Associations mentioned above.
It remained this way until about 2004 when changes were again made. Eastern Louisiana Baptist Association, after much study and prayer, voted to have their own Director of Missions. They voted to change the name to Associational Missions Coordinator, AMC for short. Brother David Brown was called and became our first AMC. Bro. Freddie Arnold became Associate Associational Missions Coordinator in 2009. He also served as the acting AMC from the time of Brother David Brown’s retirement in 2017 until Dr. Blue was called in 2018. Dr. Richard Blue became the Associational Missions Coordinator in October 2018.
Eastern Louisiana Baptist Association
9126 Comar Dr, Walker, Louisiana 70785, United States