The purpose of Christian Women’s Job Corps is to assist women in gaining skills for life and employment through job training and education, and to provide missions opportunities for women to help women.
Adult women of all races, religions, creeds and socio-economic status may apply; however, only those who meet admission criteria may enroll.
• Have a desire to develop skills for employment;
• Be 18 years of age or older;
• Have a high school diploma, high school equivalence, a GED or be in the process of obtaining a GED; and
• Have transportation to get to and from class each day.
• If recovering from chemical dependency, be drug and alcohol free for at least 6 months before being accepted into the program. (Although this is not a question on the application, all interviewers are to report any suspicion of substance abuse.)
Our focus is on local unemployed or underemployed women who are suffering from financial need, low self-esteem, abuse, or a lack of marketable job skills. Although this is an outreach program of the Eastern Louisiana Baptist Association, CWJC operates with its own Advisory Council and budget. Applicants and participants are not required to be a Christian to apply, to be admitted, or to graduate from training. Absences and tardiness are limited for graduation!
“Strength-Based Ministry”
This ministry is not about “fixing” what is wrong in people. It is about empowering change. Rather than focusing on needs and problems, strength-based ministry encourages participants to focus on resources they DO have and make changes necessary to achieve their goals.
We believe that each person has the capacity for change and growth by way of the Holy Spirit which requires us to focus on their talents, goals, and experiences. We seek the Lord in prayer to enact a Strength-Based strategy, remembering that –
• It is NOT our job to lead in the way we want them to go, but to walk alongside each participant and allow God to lead them.
• This may be facilitated via the classroom environment and/or the Christian Friendships. A Mentor/Christian Friend is a volunteer who is paired with a participant to offer one-on-one encouragement, prayer and friendship.
CWJC – Helping women move from dependency to self-sufficiency by offering “A hand up, not a handout” – Not an employment agency, but rather encouragers helping women find and maintain stable employment.
“Thus says the LORD, your Redeemer, The Holy One of Israel: ‘I am the LORD your God, Who teaches you to profit, Who leads you by the way you should go.’”
— Isaiah 48:17
What do women participants learn?
Christian Women’s Job Corps offers free computer training and job training sessions for women who desire additional skills for life and work, including:
• Computer Skills – Introductory Microsoft Word 2010 (or later), Professional letters, Formatting
• Business Communications – Resume’, Cover Letters, Interviewing, Business Etiquette
• Money Management – Budgeting, Credit Management, Debt Management
• Relationships Building – Healthy Marriage and Family relationships
• Biblical Foundations – Non-denominational Bible Study examining foundational principles useful for practical life application
• Health & Nutrition – Pursuing a healthy diet and lifestyle that is conducive to maintaining stable employment
VOLUNTEERS provide training, meals, and leadership for prayer, Advisory Council and outreach teams.
Quote from one Graduate:
“Being in CWJC has helped me see roadblocks that I have faced as speed bumps. I was taught every skill needed in everyday life from the Word of God here at CWJC. I now have a new confidence and joy that only comes from ‘Almighty God.’” CWJC was a safe haven of peace, and love for me and that’s what was shown from every instructor – for the love of God.”
Eastern Louisiana Baptist Association
9126 Comar Dr, Walker, Louisiana 70785, United States